ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Resources > Objectif Pays | mobility info resources in French | China and Vietnam

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13 Jul 2012

Objectif Pays | mobility info resources in French | China and Vietnam


The "Objectif Pays" series offers a set of practical cultural mobility guides in French for performing arts professionals interested in working internationally. Guides for China and Vietnam are currently available, as well as several other countries worldwide.

The documents are available as free downloads from the Website of the Nacre (in French only).


La collection "Objectif pays" est une série de guides pratiques à l'usage des professionnels de la culture souhaitant travailler sur la mobilité internationale.

Vous pouvez télécharger les Fiches pays (au format pdf) en cliquant sur le site de la Nacre.

This information came via On-the-Move (Thanks!)