ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Resources > Regional Arts Australia

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15 May 2012

Regional Arts Australia

Regional Arts Australia is the key national body representing the broad and complex interests and concerns of those working with and for the arts in regional, rural and remote Australia. 

They seek to ensure the arts in regional Australia are embedded within all of Governments plans for regional Australia. To be critically positioned across multiple policy platforms and to support strong partnerships between governments, industry, not-for-profits and commercial business.

They encourage programmes that support a creative ecosystem that is interconnected and integrated across art forms, across communities and across landscapes. RAA’s guiding principle is that ‘place’ is central to creative practice. It provides profound practical and emotional links between the economies and synergies of artistic and cultural practice. Place-based initiatives seed longer-term cultural and economic sustainability, boosting local capacity, diversifying engagement, increasing accessibility and connection. Investment in innovative approaches within existing areas of strength make arts and cultural activities more accessible to all Australians. 

RAA advocates for informed national regional arts policy that represents the diversity of practice and cultural landscape and represents best practice.