Risk Management for Cultural Heritage online course

The overall objective of the Risk Management for Cultural Heritage project is to develop and pilot a new curriculum for vocational training that meets the needs of the labour market in the field of cultural heritage protection in the face of climate change and formalises the relevant skills and competences.
An important outcome of the project is this online course: In a museum, library, archive or cultural institution, there is usually someone in charge of ensuring that cultural objects or built heritage are protected from extreme weather conditions (e.g. floods) and other natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes). However, task allocation alone is not sufficient and not always sustainable.
Cultural heritage is a non-renewable resource that is essential to our identity. It is therefore necessary to develop more effective and efficient strategies for the conservation, adaptation and protection of this invaluable property for the long-term future.
Actors in the field of material cultural heritage (e.g. owners of historic houses, conservators, restorers, managers and staff of historic buildings, monuments, archaeological sites, museums, archives, libraries and art galleries) need intuitive digital tools for risk assessment of their collections and objects in order to develop structured, comprehensive and shareable conservation plans.
In particular, they need to be able to activate a new approach that allows them to adapt to the current global situation, develop solutions and act immediately to manage the risks that climate change and global warming pose to the cultural sector.
The Risk Management for Cultural Heritage online course aims to enhance the capacity of cultural sector professionals to properly assess and manage the risks of climate change.