ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Resources > Rockhal

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03 Jul 2011


Rockhal (2005) is a premiere concert location and a music resource centre in Luxembourg.

Boasting 3 concert halls – the Main Hall that can accommodate an audience of up to 6,500 and the Club that can hold 1,200 and The Floor with a capacity up to 200 – the Rockhal, a complex managed by the public institution Centre de Musiques Amplifiées and co-financed by the Luxembourgish State, is Luxembourg's No 1 concert venue. The Rockhal is also a Music and Resources Centre, comprising 6 rehearsal rooms, a recording studio, a dance studio and a documentation centre

Rockhal is proud to be a founding member of Liveurope, the first pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European music.