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Resources > RondoFest Music Festival

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21 May 2022

RondoFest Music Festival

The RondoFest Music Festival is an annual music education festival that aims to curate a combination of youth and acclaimed talent to create unity through music. Participants can experience days of lessons, workshops, masterclasses and concerts with internationally renowned artists

Participants have the opportunity to achieve more comprehensive musical skills. They also have the chance to perform alongside world-class faculties at the Closing Gala, which marks the end of the festival. 

The instrumental and conducting programmes provide a wide range of opportunities to develop musical abilities for violin, viola, cello and double bass students. There are 1-to-1 instrumental lessons, instrumental classes, group workshops, panel discussions and ensemble rehearsals. 

The festival is organised by The Rondo Production, a social enterprise dedicated to inspiring and engaging the community through high-quality music education programmes and initiatives. Established in 2019, the enterprise believes in creating more opportunities for artistic collaboration, as well as promoting inclusivity and diversity in music education.