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Resources > Rumata' Art Space

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18 Aug 2016

Rumata' Art Space

A collaborative art space for community development, Rumata' Art Space is a non-profit organisation that aims to support progress of the local art scene through various initiatives, festivals, workshops, and projects. 

Since 2012, Rumata' has been opened as crowd-funded facility exhibition, workshops, performances and community-based activities. It offers a gallery and an open-air stage as well as serves as a hub for creativity. It is an exciting space for arts exhibitions, movie screenings, music and theater performances, literature, lecture, discussions and many more, blurring the boundaries of multi-disciplines in arts and multi-forms of artistic expressions.

In June 2011, Rumata' launched Makassar International Writers Festival, the first and only annual international literary event in Eastern Indonesia. In October 2012, Rumata' inaugurated South East Asian Screen Academy, a film academy for emerging film makers in Eastern Indonesia taught by prominent film practitioners in Southeast Asia.