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Resources > The Sungkok Art and Culture Foundation – The Sungkok Art Museum

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06 Sep 2010

The Sungkok Art and Culture Foundation – The Sungkok Art Museum

The Sung Kok Art and Culture Foundation is a public foundation that was inaugurated to commemorate the dedication of Sung Kok Kim toward the Korean community.

As its first project, the Sung Kok Art and Culture Foundation established the Sung Kok Art Museum in 1995. Its primary purpose is contributing to the globalisation of Korean art and sharing the profit earned by Sangyong Enterprise to the country. Located at the former residence of Sung Kon Kim, the founder of Ssangyoung, the Sung Kok Art Museum endeavors to consolidate the identity of Korean and to publicise Korean art worldwide.

Exhibitions at Sung Kok focus on reinterpreting the traditional Korean spirit, the delicate sentiment expressed in Korean art, and the aesthetic values of Korean art with a modern perspective.