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Resources > The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage

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13 Apr 2018

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage is the regulatory body entrusted with the protection and promotion of Malta's cultural heritage. Its mission is to fulfil the duties of the State in ensuring the protection and accessibility of Malta’s cultural heritage. 

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage is responsible for all scientific investigation regarding cultural assets such as the conduction of field work and archaeological excavation, both terrestrial and underwater, and for the full record keeping and management of documentation resulting from such interventions. The Superintendence also has the role of evaluating art objects, objects of cultural value and collections of such items.

The role of the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage includes advising and coordinating with the Malta Environment & Planning Authority, on issues regarding land use and development, to safeguard cultural heritage when considering applications for planning permission relating to development effecting objects, sites buildings or landscapes, which form part of the cultural heritage.

It is also responsible for the monitoring and control of the import and export of goods which are of cultural significance, whether the movement is temporary (for example, for exhibition or restoration purposes) or permanent. The Superintendence has the role to issue permits needed for such movements.

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage has the role to advise the Minister in reporting and discussing issues of heritage with other international heritage organisations. It also has a number of direct commitments with regional and international institutions in relation to the conservation and promotion of Malta’s cultural heritage on an international basis. As such it liases with UNESCO, the Council of Europe, and the European Union

The Superintendence aims at informing, educating and involving the public in its role to preserve and promote Malta’s cultural heritage. As such, it is involved through different means with sectors including the press and other media, the general public, education, schools, Local Councils. (See Education and Outreach).

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage is responsible for the preparation of an annual report on the state of cultural heritage, which is then discussed by all entities during the annual National Forum. It is also responsible for the establishment of policy, standards, and guidelines related to cultural heritage