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24 Mar 2011

Support for international arts activity | new IFACCA report

None The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) announces its latest research report: D’Art Report No. 40, Supporting international arts activity – issues for national arts funding agencies.

Supporting the international activities of artists and arts organisations is a key function for many national arts funding agencies.  In order to investigate this area of arts policy and identify key issues that affect the programs and priorities of such agencies, the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) conducted a worldwide survey in English, French and Spanish, the results of which have been analysed and supplemented by other research and presented in this report.

D’Art Report No. 40 describes the agencies involved in supporting international arts activities, the scope of and budgets for this support, and the range of policy objectives, priorities and evaluation processes evident in the research. The report also details a wide range of issues identified by arts funding agencies.

This report was researched and written by independent cultural research consultant, Judith Staines. Lisa Cahill, IFACCA’s former Research and Project Manager, collected and compiled the main survey responses and made a preliminary analysis.

A range of resources related to the topic can be found at IFACCA’s topic page and information on artist mobility is available at .

About IFACCA: The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) is the global network of arts councils and ministries of culture.  It has national members in 72 countries, with Regional Chapters in Europe and Asia, as well as other regions of the world.

In March 2011, IFACCA welcomed the Ministry of Culture of India as its newest member.

In October 2011, IFACCA holds its 5th World Summit on Arts and Culture in Melbourne, Australia.