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Resources > Svenska Institutet

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06 Apr 2011

Svenska Institutet

The Swedish Institute is a public agency that builds interest and trust in Sweden around the world. We work with Sweden promotion, cooperation in the Baltic Sea region and global development.

SI shares information about Sweden abroad and analyses how other countries view Sweden. They also facilitate international exchanges and partnerships. The goal is to increase awareness of Sweden and build good relationships with individuals, organisations and other countries. If the world around us has a high level of trust in Sweden, it improves the conditions for trade, investment, tourism and cultural exchange. It also makes it easier to attract international talent and contribute to global sustainable development.

SI communicates Sweden in various ways – in digital channels and in printed materials, by providing support to Swedish language teaching around the world and marketing Sweden as a study destination.

As part of the cooperation in the Baltic Sea region, SI funds exchanges and joint projects for individuals, organisations and companies. By offering study grants, organising leadership programmes and supporting local alumni networks, they build relationships with the world’s young leaders of tomorrow and contribute to global development.

To succeed in their mission, it is important to understand how the country is perceived, and in order to do so they observe and analyse the image of Sweden abroad. They monitor what is written about Sweden in international news media and digital platforms, conduct their own studies and examine Sweden’s rankings in various indexes.