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Resources > UN Special Rapporteur report 'COVID-19, culture and cultural rights'

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01 Mar 2021

UN Special Rapporteur report 'COVID-19, culture and cultural rights'

The UN Special Rapporteur in the field of culture, Karima Bennoune, will deliver her report 'COVID-19, culture and cultural rights' the UN Human Rights Council on 2 March. This important report is based on input from a broad range of cultural and rights organisations on the wide spread of negative effects that the pandemic is having on all aspects of the cultural sector world wide - financial, social, civil & political rights, etc.

The UN Special Rapporteur will appeal for action to "prevent cultural catastrope'.

Read the report here - its on a list - either search for 'culture' or the code give here - (A/HRC/46/34)

Karima Bennoune will present the report on Tues March 2 approx 4PM CET; watch:

Further info on the 46th UN session

Further info on the UN Special Rapporteur in the field of Cultural Rights