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Resources > Universality, cultural diversity and cultural rights - new report

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05 Dec 2018

Universality, cultural diversity and cultural rights - new report


Recently, a new thematic report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Karima Bennoune, has been published.

In the document, entitled ‘Universality, cultural diversity and cultural rights’, Bennoune analyses the cultural rights approach to the universality of human rights and the close interrelationship between universality and cultural diversity.

The Special Rapporteur recommendations to States include to “refrain from using culture, cultural rights or tradition to justify violations of international human rights and ensure that no representative of the State does so in national or international forums; continuously maintain and promote the idea that culture, cultural rights and the exercise of cultural diversity are grounded in and subject to the universal human rights framework and international standards”.

More information from Interarts
