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Resources > Wiener Konzerthaus

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26 Jun 2011

Wiener Konzerthaus

Since its completion of the building in 1913, the Konzerthaus has been managed by the Wiener Konzerthaus Society. With around 420 of its own events and over 35 subscription series per year, the Wiener Konzerthaus Society offers an extremely comprehensive and highly varied programme. Apart from the full classical repertoire comprising orchestral and choral concerts, concert performances of operatic works, chamber music, piano recitals and Lieder recitals, the programme also features children’s concerts, contemporary, jazz, folk and film music, and series of literature readings. Apart from its function as a promoter, the Konzerthausgesellschaft is an umbrella organisation of independent associations.

The Wiener Konzerthaus represents a living, evolving tradition, coloured by the spirits of its artists and the enthusiasm of its audiences. Anyone entering the building can immediately feel the vitality that has characterised it during its existence. The Konzerthaus does not view itself as a historic temple but rather as a platform for a type of art which, at every rehearsal and at every concert, seeks to be re-invented.