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News & events > Call for Papers: Scientific and Technical Museums | France

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

15 May 2015

Call for Papers: Scientific and Technical Museums | France

Visiteurs au Musée des arts et métiers French journal Cahiers d'histoire du Cnam, published by CNAM, France's National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, will publish a special issue on  scientific and technical museums in June 2016. A call for papers focusing on these issues has recently been launched. The special issue will aim to examine collections, museum management, exhibition design, museum development strategies, education and the uses of the new technologies. Papers presenting a comparative analysis of different museums are eligible, as are those that may present a historical perspective on the evolution of scientific and technical museums. Likewise, authors may approach the subject matter from a variety of academic disciplines, including economics, sociology, heritage, history, communication, etc. The issue is coordinated by Rebecca Amsellem, (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and HT2S/Cnam), Serge Chambaud (President, Association Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences, former Director, Museum of Arts and Crafts and HT2S/Cnam), and Dominique Poulot (HiCSA/Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne). Initial abstracts should be sent by 1 July 2015. If selected, full papers should be submitted by 15 November. For additional information on the call and selection procedure, please visit