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News & events > Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival 2022

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16 Jun 2022 - 23 Jun 2022

Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival 2022

Image of Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival poster

From 16 to 23 June the Arts Council Mongolia (ACM), in partnership with Goethe-Institut Mongolia, presents the 7th edition of Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival (UBIMAF) under a theme of ‘Divoccinated’. 

Although these last two years have been challenging, they also gave opportunities and time for people to reflect. The scale of global crisis also resulted in a change in ways of thinking. Therefore, this year UBIMAF’s goal is to define on how artists reflected on these changes. The festival aims to find out what were the impacts of these uncertain, quiet, stressful, and distanced times for artists. 

This edition presents works of 18 international and local artists, including artists from Germany. The UBIMAF programme includes new media artwork presentations in Ulaanbaatar, Sainshand and Eastern Gobi natural and historical sites

In Ulaanbaatar, international media art works will be displayed at Zanabazar Fine Art Museum, Bogd Khan Palace Museum and 360’ media artwork at White Rock Center. There are will also be Mongolian DJ sets. 

Another feature of the 7th UBIMAF is the ‘Eastern Gobi’ train trip, where travellers can see media and contemporary art presentations, ‘ArtSee Talks’, sightseeing and where they can sample national cuisine.

Stay up to date with festival information 

The festival is presented in collaboration with ‘Blue Sun’ contemporary art center, with the support of Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Taipei Trade and Economic Representative Office in Ulaanbaatar.