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News & events > UNESCO Survey | Financing Cultural and Creative Industries in South-East Asia - please respond

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01 Jul 2019

UNESCO Survey | Financing Cultural and Creative Industries in South-East Asia - please respond

The Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) sector has been identified as a driving force for economic growth in many countries in South-East Asia, yet it is facing difficulties in mobilizing resources and lacks coherent financing strategies, inhibiting organizational sustainability and the development of the sector.

In recognition of this, UNESCO Bangkok has commissioned a study to review and analyze the financial environment for the Cultural and Creative Industries in South-East Asia with a focus on the sustainability of CCI organizations.

This survey aims to identify and map current organizational models that exist in the industries, their financial challenges and innovative solutions.

If you are a small or medium enterprise or a not-for-profit organization working in a CCI field, we would like to hear from you. Your responses will make invaluable contributions to this study.

PLEASE NOTE - there is NO PUBLISHED DEADLINE for this survey. Please do try to respond in good time while the survey is still open.

Main photo credit: Dvoinik / gettyimages