ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > 2011 ASEAN-Korea Multimedia Competition


31 May 2011

2011 ASEAN-Korea Multimedia Competition

None On the theme of FUTURE IMAGE, entries in digital media arts, photography and moving image are invited for the ASEAN-KOREA Multimedia Competition.

ASEAN-KOREA CENTRE launches the 2011 ASEAN-Korea Multimedia Competition for young artists including university/graduate students of ASEAN and Korea.  The Competition is organized to provide a channel of exchanges and to enhance mutual understanding between the young generation of ASEAN and Korea through new media.

The theme, FUTURE IMAGE illustrates ASEAN’s today and tomorrow’s contemporary image and suggests a new conformity of its art and culture in this glocal society. It aims to be a cultural platform for the young communities of ASEAN and Korea to overcome the standardized image of ASEAN and to pursue a new and contemporary language of the art in ASEAN as the nexus of today’s digital community.

It is open to nationals of ASEAN* & Korea who are currently enrolled in a university and/or young artists under the age of 30.

*ASEAN member states consist of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Awards: 300 USD

Selected artists will be presented with opportunities to introduce artworks to the contemporary art circles in Asia.

*The winners residing in ASEAN countries will be invited to Korea for seminar and exhibition.
(airfare, accommodation and daily allowance are provided for 4 nights, 5 days)

See website for all details of how to submit your work.

This opportunity came via Alt Space LOOP (Thanks!)