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Opportunities > 2015 residencies at Centre International des Recollets in Paris


17 Jun 2014

2015 residencies at Centre International des Recollets in Paris

None 630-jardin-recollets

The Institut français and the City of Paris offer an artist-in-residence program dedicated to established foreign artists and writers at the Centre international d’accueil et d’échanges des Récollets, a venue for artists and researchers from around the world.

The call for entries for 2015 residencies is open until June 17, 2014.

This program hosts established foreign artists and writers who have a specific project they want to develop in Paris for a period of three months. Each project, should it concern visual arts, performing arts or literature, has to be carried out in partnership either with a specified local structure (cultural site or resource center, gallery, company) or an artist or a well-known arts and culture personality established in Paris or its surroundings. Overall, the research project should be developed in Paris, in harmony with the host town and its cultural environment.

This residency is an opportunity of quiet reflection and creation for the artist, and will contribute to the visibility of international arts scene in Paris.

The Couvent des Récollets is an historical building situated in the heart of Paris, near the canal Saint-Martin.

Length of stay

Three consecutive months without interruption from January to December 2015. It is important to keep trips abroad to a minimum during the residence.

What the residency offers

A monthly grant of 1,500 € is allocated. This is intended to cover living expenses such as food, local transport, materials, etc.

The residence includes a single room and is not appropriate for families. Pets are forbidden. The units are also not suitable for operation containing messy materials.

Before arriving in France, the laureate must be covered for health costs, hospitalization costs and repatriation and must have personal liability insurance.

Travel expenses to and from France are to be paid by the artist.


Applicants should be :

  • foreigners currently living and working abroad;

  • able to justify their substantial professional experience;

  • speaking French or English;

  • able to free themselves from other professional activities during the period of the residence;

  • not holding any other grants during the period of the residence.