Cities of the future: living together | 2021 Conference - call for Artworks and Papers

A call for artworks and for papers is open on the theme 'Cities of the future: living together' for Creativity and Cognition 2021, a global conference and exhibition on creativity and cognition to be held in Venice in June 2021.Note different deadlines for the two calls.
Creativity involves the generation, exploration, and interpretation of novel and valuable ideas, and spans a wide variety of fields, including the humanities, social sciences, engineering, art, design, choreography, computer science, psychology, and education. C&C 2021 invites contributions in typical research formats – papers, posters, demos, workshops, tutorials – and in more sensory, experiential forms – pictorials and artworks.
The C&C21 Arts Exhibition will explore ways in which citizens can engage in new cross-disciplinary forms of creative engagement with the major challenges that cities face. A profound act of imagination is needed to envision viable alternatives to the status quo.
The art exhibition will present artworks that manifest the conference themes of creativity, craft and design, applied to cities of the future to reflect the conference location. In tune with the theme of the 2021 Biennale Architecture, the C&C21 Arts Exhibition will be held in Venice and explore new forms of cross-discipline engagement with stakeholders in modern cities under threat due to the challenges reported.
It will seek contributions such as performances, interactive artworks and conceptual experiments from art, computer science, design and other, yet-to-be-named phenomena that provoke citizens and others to challenge and reflect on cities of the future, taking Venice as a possible model.
Deadline for artwork submissions: 8 February 2021
Please check the conditions carefully - from the information provided the art exhibition is due to be open for one day (June 23) during the conference.
A Call for Papers is also open for the conference:
Papers should focus on various forms of creativity from creativity-support environments, and computing technologies to their interplay with innovative forms and experiences of art, craft and design. We encourage submissions that explore creative practices including technologies, designs, art and craft and address how creativity manifests itself in our daily lives and inspires connectedness and survival for individuals and society in the face of global pandemic. The call is aligned with this year’s conference theme: “Creativity, Craft, and Design”.
Creativity and Cognition 2021 is a venue for discussing research on creativity support environments; studies of technology, people, creativity, craft and design; as well as creative works that use computing to engage, stimulate, and provoke individual and collective experiences. We will incorporate options for virtual attendance and paper presentations. As in related conferences, papers will be reviewed based on the significance of the contribution, originality, validity, the soundness of the arguments.
Deadline for paper submissions: 1 February 2021
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