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Opportunities > 2022 Jeonju International Awards for Promotion Intangible Cultural Heritage


31 May 2022

2022 Jeonju International Awards for Promotion Intangible Cultural Heritage

Jeonju City, Korea, invites international applications for the 2022 Jeonju International Awards for Promotion Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH). 

JIAPICH is open to Living Human Treasurers (practitioners), groups, communities, administrators, researchers, NGOs and those who have made substantial contributions for the promotion of intangible cultural heritage. Up to five awards will be granted to individuals and/or groups. 

The purpose of JIAPICH is to encourage good safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage in the global community regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, age, gender, or any other political, social, economic or cultural orientation. 

The international jury of UNESCO and intangible cultural heritage experts will look for:

  • Efficient cases of safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage and of activating the power and its significance for the future development of the global community, as well as for social cohesion, cooperation, and visibility of identity
  • A good example that has made a significant contribution to the viability of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

The prize

USD 30,000 will be awarded to finalists.

In the case that travel restrictions have been lifted and international travel is possible, the 2022 JIAPICH Finalists from overseas will be provided with airfare and accommodation to participate in the awards ceremony held in Jeonju, Korea.

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 31 May 2022

Image: 2021 JIAPICH Ceremony