24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour in Art - call for entries

The 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art, Bulgaria invites artists to contribute their edgy takes on the concept of the public sphere. The exhibition will present contemporary art and cartoons addressing:
-public space
-public art
-public debate
-public broadcasting
-public interest
-public threat/security
-and other whatchamacallits with public dimension.
47 years of poking fun at issues of utmost social significance give us the confidence that it is time to call on humour in order to deconstruct and redefine whatever is left nowadays of the concept of publicness.
All relevant information about the 24th Gabrovo Biennial, including the online application form, can be found on its website - http://biennial.humorhouse.bg/en/
The 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art is comprised of a competition and a curated exhibition. The competition is held in two sections: cartoons and contemporary art.
The Biennial will open on 17th May 2019, 7.00 p.m. at the Museum of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo.
Eligible for the contemporary art section of the competition are works of art executed in any technique and media.
Golden Aesop Grand Prix in section contemporary art – a statuette and 2 500 euro (5 000 BGN)
Prize of the town of Gabrovo awarded to a promising young artist – a statuette and 1 500 euro (3 000 BGN)
The cartoons competition section includes the following categories:
Cartoons – original works signed by the artists, up to A3 size, digital works, including animated cartoons (gif, flash and video)
Artist cartoon or comic strip books
Prizes :
Golden Aesop Grand Prix in section cartoons – 1 500 euro (3 000 BGN)
Prize for cartoon – 1 000 euro (2 000 BGN)
Prize for artist cartoon or comic strip book – 500 euro (1 000 BGN)
The prizewinning works remain in the art collection of the Museum of Humour and Satire.
DEADLINE for entries: 8th March 2019
Contact details:
Museum of Humour and Satire
68, Bryanska St.,
P.O.Box 104
5300 Gabrovo, BULGARIA
+359 66 807 229
+359 884 029 374
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