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Opportunities > 2nd Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics | call for papers


15 May 2013

2nd Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics | call for papers


The Japan Association of Cultural Economics (JACE)  announces a Call for Papers for the Second Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics.  The Workshop wecomes papers in English from international researchers in principle based in Asian countries including Japan that will contribute to discussions and exchanges of ideas between Japanese and international participants on cultural economics.

Following the success of the biannual conference of the Association of Cultural Economics International (ACEI) held in Kyoto, Japan in June 2012, the Second Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics aims to enhance research networking for cultural economics in Asia.

The workshop will be held in Takamatsu City on the 18th and in Naoshima Island on the 19th of September 2013.  The third day (20th September) is for visiting small islands in the area where contemporary art works have become integral part of the landscape.

The Second Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics will provide a forum for papers from researchers on the broadly-defined areas of the cultural/creative economy in Asia.  The working language throughout the event will be English.  The Workshop will consist of ten papers, each of which will be given 20 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for comments and discussion.

On the 18th, there will a lecture by one of the workshop leaders on his recent research related to the creative economy.  On the 19th, the whole event will take place on Naoshima Island, to which people will take a ferry boat for a ride of about half an hour.  The afternoon session will be a symposium open even to non workshop participants where experts, including Professor Kazuhiro Ueta of Kyoto University (Environmental Economics) will discuss the revitalization project of Naoshima Island with the use of art.  There will be a visit to the museum attached to the venue, run by a private foundation.  This will be our learning opportunity about corporate support for the arts in Japan, too.  On the 20th of September 2013, there will be an excursion to other islands where works of contemporary visual arts are also exhibited on site and in museums.

Participants are expected to be present throughout the two days of paper sessions, to actively engage in the discussion and to join this excursion on the following day.  There will also be a reception with introduction and a lecture by one of the workshop leaders in the evening of the 17th. It is recommended that participants arrive in time for this reception.

-David Throsby, Professor of Economics, Macquarie University (Australia)
-Arjo Klamer, Professor of Cultural Economics, Erasmus University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Interested researchers should send a CV and one A4-page abstract of the paper written in English by email attachment to by 15 May 2013.  Authors will be notified regarding acceptance or rejection 15 June 2013.  Papers must address the cultural/creative economy broadly-defined.  Papers that will ask such investigatory questions as the following will be encouraged, but these are for illustrative purposes only and other exploratory papers will also be welcomed.  Reporting of case studies will not be given preference.

-Under what conditions do ‘creative cities’ succeed?
-In what way does the formation of creative clusters and cultural quarters influence the competitiveness of the region/city and its creative industries?
-What will be an effective allocation of roles and responsibilities between the public and private sectors in encouraging the growth of creative cities?

Those who participated in the First Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics in November 2011 in Kyoto may apply, but we will tend to prefer those who have not participated before.  Successful authors will then be asked to submit full papers (about 3,000-5,000 words) by 10 August 2013.  Unsuccessful authors and those who are unable to submit in time may participate as observers, though a small fee will be charged.

For further information regarding venue, travel and expenses, see IFACCA's post of the event at:

Enquiries may be sent by email to:

For general information on JACE, visit its website at