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Opportunities > Acts of Life critical research residency project - artists in Germany & SE Asia


15 Jun 2018

Acts of Life critical research residency project - artists in Germany & SE Asia


Acts of Life: An interdisciplinary collaboration of NTU CCA Singapore and MCAD Manila commissioned by Goethe-Institut Singapore and Goethe-Institut Manila. Open call for a critical research residency in Singapore and Manila. Applications deadline extended to 15 June 2018.

Creative and interdisciplinary working scholars of related fields (e.g. art, design, architecture, urbanism, humanities, digital sciences, etc.) who live and work in Southeast Asia and/or Germany are invited to apply to participate in a short-term residency in both Singapore and the Philippines, Manila. The participants will work on their respective fields of research, together with selected counterparts of their interest, deploying conceptual, terminological, or methodological research tools.

Curatorial supervisors will further guide the participants through the residency period and the following presentation period with a focus on rethinking representation and display politics as key to making research public.

The residency duration is two weeks each, in Manila from 28 October to 11 November 2018 and Singapore from 12 November to 25 November 2018.

Within this timeframe, an intensive workshop in both places will bring the following question closer into focus:

  • How have digital technologies and Internet culture shaped contemporary interpretation and translation of the nature/culture complex in the arts?
  • Have digital times resulted in a shift from artistic representation of the physical world to creative construction of supernatural and hyper cultural realities?
  • What role does historical, traditional, or indigenous knowledge of nature and culture play in the future of world making and acts of life in general?

​ Selected candidates will also have the chance to present their research projects from 24 to 27 January 2019 in Singapore and 31 January to 3 February 2019 in Manila, in a series of events conceived by the artistic team.
The residency grant includes travel expenses (international and regional economy flights), accommodation, per diem during the residency period, and a production budget for final presentations.

The deadline for applications is EXTENDED  to 15 June 2018.