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Opportunities > Aerowaves Twenty18 call for emerging choreographers based in Europe


12 Sep 2017

Aerowaves Twenty18 call for emerging choreographers based in Europe


Open call to choreographers based in Europe. Aerowaves is a hub for dance discovery in Europe. Each year the Aerowaves network selects 20 of the most promising emerging choreographers, promotes their work, and creates performance opportunities with Aerowaves' Partners.

Apply to Aerowaves and get a chance to have your work programmed by the partners of the network, whether or not you are selected as Aerowaves artists. Around 100 performance opportunities are guaranteed by the partners and supported by Aerowaves each year.

Applications are now open and will close at midnight on 12 September 2017.

Should you be selected as one of the Aerowaves Twenty, your work will be promoted by Aerowaves via its website for one year by an artist profile, with images, video and calendar all in one place.

You may be selected to perform your work at our Spring Forward Festival. We guarantee to programme at least 15 of the current Aerowaves Twenty artists in the festival each year.

From October 2014, Aerowaves is supported for three years by the European Union through a Creative Europe Platforms award. 

Aerowaves is sustained as a vibrant community of interest by a balance of generosities.

One partner assumes the costs of the annual meeting…
the other partners pay their way to get there…
the expenses of performances are met by those who present them…
the public buy their tickets…
and the chosen artists reduce their fees.