ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > AI4Future | artist residencies


15 Nov 2021

AI4Future | artist residencies

AI4future is searching for 4 artists from Europe to work at an AI-based artwork in collaboration with young European activists to foster new urban community awareness. Residencies have different themes and are offered in Rotterdam, Sardinia, Milan and Barcelona.

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has been implemented in a number of fields functional to daily life: from those that simulate the cognitive abilities of the human being (image recognition, language automation, etc.) to the management of civil and social life (home automation, banking, self-driving vehicles, etc.) up to the economic and political organization (remote surveillance, privacy, impact on the world of work 4.0, health management, disinformation techniques, control over fundamental rights, etc.).

Each residency tackles a specific challenge.
Please, discover the themes, the cultural centers and the challenges - see guidelines for further info:
- AI and Gender Inequality issues (Rotterdam)
- AI and community mobilization in public spaces (Sardinia)
- AI and the future of physical and social mobility (Milan)
- AI, phygital worlds and digital barriers (Barcelona)

Who can apply: Individual or collective artists from Europe. 

Deadline for applications: 15 November 2021

Residencies: Feb - June 2022

AI4Future intends to show how artificial intelligence, which allows the collection, interpretation and display of large amounts of data, can be a tool at the service of artists and activists to address the cultural and social changes of our time.

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