AIMAC 2015 | call for research papers

The AIMAC conference (International Association of Arts and Cultural Management) brings together the best researchers from all continents in summer 2015 in S. France. A call for papers and conference contributions is open.
From 26 June to 1 July 2015, some 200 international researchers and practitioners will meet in Aix-en-Provence to participate in various conferences and roundtables. From 26-27 June a doctoral workshop will precede the opening of the conference. Aimed at PhD students wishing to submit their research for discussion to further improve the quality of their work the workshop welcomes applicants from a broad range of disciplines.
The Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance, IMPGT - Aix Marseille University will organise in partnership with Kedge Business School, the 13th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 2015 AIMAC.
Researchers are invited to submit proposals for paper presentations. Proposals from any relevant discipline will be considered, provided they make an original academic contribution to the study of arts and cultural management. This scientific conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audio-visual media and multimedia, design).
Papers on all management approaches are welcome: marketing, strategic planning, production, organizational behaviour, accounting and finance, information systems, cultural public policies. Contributions from social scientists are also welcome if they focus on management issues.
We are also interested in contributions where arts and cultural issues are managed to reach public and societal objectives. We welcome any research that utilizes the arts and cultural industries as a context of study for examination of broader business research questions. Papers are welcome on all arts and cultural management areas, including:
Strategic marketing; Fundraising, patronage and Sponsorship; Consumer behaviour; Product and brand management; Strategic management and planning; Organizational behaviour; Governance; Corporate social responsibility; Corporate finance strategies; Corporate communication strategies; Cultural entrepreneurship; Creative and cultural industries; Creativity and innovation; Creative cities and regions; Business models; Cultural diversity and management; Internationalisation; Cultural agency for social intervention; Cultural public policies.
DEADLINE for proposals/abstracts: 20 October 2014
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