ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Alto Fest | Naples | open call


05 Aug 2014

Alto Fest | Naples | open call

None alto-fest

ALTO FEST 2014 - International Festival of Performing Arts and Transdisciplinary Interventions - open call for site-specific performances/works to be performed at the festival in Naples, Italy September 22-28 2014, and for selected artists to join the Operappartamento creative residency to create work for 2015 festival.

ALTO FEST 2014 is opening its public annual call, inviting all the creators working in the performing arts, and more  generally those authors who expose themselves through transdisciplinary interventions, investigating new relationships with places and audience, that will hold them experiencing unprecedented synergies, hybrid practices, crossroad among several languages.

Therefore we invite performers, researchers, art and thought practitioners, single or collective artists.

ALTO FEST, conceived and directed by TeatrInGestAzione, is an International Festival of Performing Arts and Interdisciplinary Interventions which takes place in domestic and private spaces donated by the citizens. It aims to raise the awareness of territory to cultural renaissance, engaging citizens personally. They are asked to open to artists and audience the intimacy of their houses, their everyday workplace, the memory of the wineries, becoming promoters of a direct active culture in private spaces (apartments, terraces, patios, condos, shops ...) to GIVE RISE TO A  HUMAN/URBAN requalification.

A process carried out by experimenting with innovative poetic aiming to engage, together with the places, the system of relationships that these places host.

“REWRITING SPACES” is the reflection that will go with 2014 Edition

Deadline for entries: 5 August 2014