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Opportunities > ANCER Research Camp, Singapore | call for presentations on Collective Creative Practices in SE Asia


16 Sep 2016

ANCER Research Camp, Singapore | call for presentations on Collective Creative Practices in SE Asia

None collective creative practices

ANCER RESEARCH CAMP: COLLECTIVE CREATIVE PRACTICES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA on 18-20th November 2016 at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore. Call for Presentations from collectives working across the creative fields in Southeast Asia.

The Asia Pacific Network for Cultural Education and Research (ANCER) is organizing a research camp entitled “Collective Creative Practices in Southeast Asia” at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore, November 18-20th 2016.

We invite collectives working across the creative fields in Southeast Asia to submit proposals to present manifold aspects of their practices during the 3-day period. The main intention of the research camp is to fill the gap in knowledge and share practices about creative collective practices (working in the fields of – and not restricted to – visual art, design, music, performing arts, research, curating, journalism, writing and criticism) from the region. The camp aims to provide an opportunity for participants to be involved in a platform specifically initiated for critical thinking, sharing and discussion about the perspectives, visions, challenges and strategies for collectivity, within the excellent art and design education environment of the LASALLE College.

Broadly, the camp wishes to act as a gathering space where participants become a crucial part of an underdeveloped discourse, and will engage in exposing and exploring different methods of working, as well as generate new understandings about issues that are relevant to collectivity. More specifically, it seeks to further understand how the activities designed and implemented by these practices create a renewed understanding of “community”, as well as the methods utilized to facilitate exchanges between cultural practitioners and their community. Other issues that we wish to address include: questioning the idea of “collective” to provoke new interpretations and avoid formulaic assumptions about it; exploring notions of “linearity” and “flexibility” in terms of creation and how these may be challenged; examining concepts of friendship and hospitality that much collective practices appear to rest on; organizational aspects of running collectives. Just as urgently, we would like to probe into the idea of the “region” through the lens of collective practices by attending to the geographical as well as cultural specificities (as influenced by policies, markets, and scenes) of such practices.

The presentations should be of 15 minutes' duration, which will be followed by discussions in a number of different formats. The camp will culminate in a book publication that includes the findings from the camp, where participants are encouraged to submit writings that are not restricted to the general essay format, but instead are open to more experimental, “interlude” or “reflective” contributions.

Detailed programme of the research camp will be announced in October 2016.

We also offer a limited number of bursaries for travel costs to Singapore for some participants. Please indicate on the application form if you would like to be considered for the bursary.

How to submit a proposal

Please complete the attached application form, including a 300 word abstract of the proposed presentation, and email it to:

The deadline for submission is 16 September 2016

A panel will consider all applications and successful applicants will be notified in October 2016.

If you would like to attend the research camp but do not wish to make a presentation, you may register using the attached Conference registration Form ANCER Research camp_CFP

Conference fees:

Academics and Practitioner                                                                                              100 SGD

Students                                                                                                                                 50 SGD

Conference fees include attendance of all keynotes and panel sessions, refreshments, and opening reception. Registration deadline is September 15th 2016.