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Opportunities > ANTI Contemporary Art Festival, Finland | call for proposals


16 Dec 2014

ANTI Contemporary Art Festival, Finland | call for proposals

None antimegaphone

ANTI - Contemporary Art Festival is an international contemporary arts festival presenting site-specific works made for public space in Kuopio, Finland. Call for proposals for September 2015 festival, connecting with body, sports, race event themes.

ANTI Festival presents live, sonic, visual and text-based art from today’s most exciting and innovative artists in the Finnish town of Kuopio. In September 2015 ANTI - Contemporary Art Festival will collaborate with the Kuopio Marathon to present a unique series of cultural events created in response to the race. We invite proposals for projects that engage with one or more of the following areas:

Duration, longevity and time; the long and short of time-based activities
Sport and culture, sporting culture, cultural sport
The body and endurance – expanded ideas of endurance: political, social, cultural forms of endured activity; the social agency of endurance
The quantified self: fitness culture, technology and performance
The race, racing and competitive frameworks
Participation and mass events – the individual and the many
The enthusiast and the amateur: the cultural agency of the ‘trained’ every-person
Topographic trajectories and spatial intervention: running/reading/using the city

ANTI is a site-specific festival – we do not show projects in traditional cultural spaces, thus projects have a direct relationship with the spaces and places they are shown in. When proposing a project please make it clear where your project would ideally be located, and why. The 2015 festival will take place in and round the Kuopio Marathon – projects are imagined to establish a number of relationships with the race itself; some may engage directly with the event while others might happen in parallel to it etc.

Before making your proposal it may be beneficial to spend some time with the online archive of previous festival editions:

The proposal process

All proposals must be sent using this electronic form and written in English. The form allows a link to be made to online documentation of previous work and for applicants to attach a CV and max three supporting images. Proposals that do not strictly conform to these guidelines will not be considered.

The proposal deadline is 16.12.2014

ANTI - Contemporary Art Festival 1.-6.9.2015
Kuopio, Finland

Image: from ANTI Contemporary Art Festival 2014 - The Megaphone Project