ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Art + Mobility | call for texts and artistic projects


15 Jul 2013

Art + Mobility | call for texts and artistic projects


For the publication of issue #55, the digital journal InterArtive will publish a special issue dedicated to diverse aspects of the current discussion about Art & Mobility. We invite theorists, critics, curators and artists who work on the subject to participate.

Call for texts and artistic projects: Art & Mobility

Deadline: July 15, 2013

Artistic practices and creativity are directly and closely linked to mobility. A great part of the art and architecture that we know would not have existed if it weren’t for the urge to travel, to discover, the need to go beyond the limits – territorial and intellectual – of the known.

To reflect on mobility today means to widen the perspective, to go beyond the concepts of travel, discovery and displacement; it calls for an analysis of the social, political, economic and cultural phenomena linked to it.

The practice of mobility can be thought of as a phenomenological experience where identity comes into contact with alterity, as a path of transformation where ideas, perceptions and preconceptions are questioned, as a value and as a conscious process of enrichment and of knowledge, and not just as a simple trip, or a simple displacement.

Mobility presents multiple facets: it is directly related to the issue of diversity, exchange, experience and intercultural dialogue. At the same time, it makes us reflect on migration, exile and the obstacles faced when crossing borders.

The objectives of this call are to reflect on a history of mobility, to go in depth in the processes of transformation of knowledge, culture and art in the practice of mobility and, above all, to think about mobility today, in a contemporary context.

Proposals that consider one or more of the following topics, among others, will be accepted:

  • Mobility, Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue

  • Migration, Exile and Diaspora

  • Obstacles to Mobility and Visa issues

  • Cultural Exchange, Artistic Residencies, Hospitality

  • Human interaction, Responsibilities, Eco-Mobility

  • Nomadic art practices

  • Translation and Language

  • Travel, Exploration and History of Mobility

  • Virtual mobility

Texts should be around 800 to 3000 words: Format Guidelines (pdf)

The works and art projects will be published in the form of Virtual Gallery (images and short text): Format Guidelines (pdf)

Proposals should be submitted up until July 15, 2013, by mail at:

The 55th issue of Interartive will be published at the end of September 2013.