ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Arts Network Asia 2012 Grants | open call


31 Dec 2011

Arts Network Asia 2012 Grants | open call


Arts Network Asia (ANA) invites artists, cultural workers, arts activists, and arts communities in Asia to apply for the ANA 2012 Grants scheme.

ANA supports projects that are carried out by Asian artists, residing in Asia; projects that are to be initiated and implemented in Asia, engaging with Asian artists and arts communities; and projects that maintain a focus on Southeast Asia. ANA will consider projects that encourage provocative exchanges and collaborations between and among various cultures and communities within Asia. ANA is interested in the contemporary experience of Asia including its relationship with traditions. Hence, this includes urban expressions, contemporary arts, contemporary arts and its relationship to traditional arts as well as the encounters between traditional arts. ANA promotes collaborations and exchanges with diverse cultures across borders in Asia and would look into the potential of local-regional-global complementation.

ANA includes the following as its criteria for selection:

  • Projects that focus on collaborations and exchange within Asia

  • Projects in multiple disciplines (e.g. performing arts, visual arts, film/video/new media, literature, critical discourse, arts management)

  • Independent and process-oriented arts projects, rather than product-orientated projects

  • Continuity and sustainability of projects

  • Artistic merit of the project and its positive impact on larger communities

  • Projects that empower and capacity build the arts communities in Asia

  • Visibility of the project e.g. physical events, project website,

  • Presence of other sources of funding

  • Project implementation should be in April 2012 onwards

ANA grants range from US$1,500 – 7,500 for each project, and is open to supporting existing or new projects. Follow-up proposals on past projects supported by ANA can also be accommodated.


One-A4 page project proposal and a 200-word bio/profile, saved in one single PDF file must be submitted via the ANA website from 30 November 2011 and no later than 31 December 2011.

This can be written in English or a language of your choice (Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Sinhalese, Tamil, Thai, and Vietnamese).

The one-A4 page proposal should include information on the content, philosophy and intention of the project. Each applicant is only allowed to submit one application.

For technical assistance please contact: or fax +65-6737-7013.

ANA will advise and ask for the submission of a full proposal to all those proponents who meet the networks’ objectives and criteria. Full proposals including details of projects’ budget are expected to be submitted on or before 29 February 2012 and subsequently successful applications will be informed by 31 March 2012.

Past projects supported by ANA can be found on its website, these can be reviewed for reference.

To encourage networking within Asia, upon receipt of application, ANA will include the proponent (Individual, Group/Organization) and contact information (Email Address, Website, Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers) as well as a brief profile on the website.

If there are ANA Peer Panel members residing in your country, they can also be consulted for guidance and assistance. Peer Panel names and contacts are available on ANA website.

For further information, you may communicate with Tay Tong, ANA Director at or at fax number +65-6737-7013.

Source: ANA