ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > ASEF Summer University in India | Open Call


30 Jun 2015

ASEF Summer University in India | Open Call

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Explore the synergies between sustainable urbanisation and heritage preservation and join us for a dynamic 2-week programme of dialogue-sessions with leading experts, hands-on workshops and a hack-a-thon. Grab your chance to be part of a team of students and young professionals from 51 ASEM member countries and co-create digital and physical prototypes, business plans and social impact models in close collaboration with the local community.

What: 19th ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU)

Where: Pune, India

When: 9-21 August 2015

Apply here by Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The organisers will grant a financial subsidy that covers transportation. In addition, accommodation and meals will be provided throughout the project period.

For more information, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have any questions we are delighted to get in touch:

