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Opportunities > Asia Africa Film Festival - deadline March 1st


01 Mar 2011

Asia Africa Film Festival - deadline March 1st

Asia-Africa Film Festival (AAFF) is an annual independent film festival, firstly organized on October, 25 - 30, 2010. Starts from the second event, every festival will take place every 18 - 25 April. Those chosen date is historically associated to the Asian-African Conference held in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in 1955. The conference itself is within the context of decolonization and Cold War, and can be summarized as a call for a peaceful coexistence among the nations, for the liberation from the hegemony of any superpower and for building solidarity towards the weak and those being weakened by the world order of the day. The Asian-African Conference was also convinced “that among powerful means of promoting understanding among nations is the development of cultural cooperation” (DR. Roeslan Abdulgani, 1981). A principle that marks the stand point of Asia-Africa Film Festival.

The 2011 edition will be held simultaneously in five  cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Lumajang  and  Lombok) and aired in local Tv stations. Besides the extensive screening  points, the event also offers various forums, public lecture and many more…