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Opportunities > Asiadoc 2018 - documentary screenwriting workshop | call for applications


02 Sep 2018

Asiadoc 2018 - documentary screenwriting workshop | call for applications


ASIADOC 2018 co-organisers are looking for talented documentary film authors/makers from the ASEAN countries to participate in this Asiadoc workshop in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Deadline: September 2nd, 2018

Asiadoc is a program initiated by Docmonde in France and the Bophana Center in Phnom Penh for the structuring of the documentary film sector in Southeast Asia. The Asiadoc program aims to contribute to the emergence of a new generation of professionals who will master the methodology of film project development and will be able to find their place in the international funds and markets of the sector.

This year, in collaboration with Forum Film Dokumenter Yogyakarta, Asiadoc is opening a chance for Indonesian and ASEAN countries’ documentary filmmaker to develop their writings skills and their projects’ ideas.


  • The course is designed for any documentary film writer-maker from ASEAN countries* (min. 18 years old);
  • Qualification is not required but at least some experience in filmmaking (professional or non-professional), in link with the image (broadcasting, photography, visual arts…) or writing (theatre, literature…) would be preferable. The tutor will adapt to the development stage of the project and the experience of the participants to provide them with the relevant level of assistance they need to strengthen their projects.
  • Projects should be presented by film writers/makers, whether or not they already have a producer.
  • Good communication skills in English are required.
  • Able to attend to the duration of this workshop

(Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam)

During the ASIADOC 2018 residential workshop in Yogyakarta, 19 November - 1 December, the participants will look at:

How does an idea become a documentary project? How to develop both the story and the esthetical vision of the author? How does a project become a script?

These are some of the crucial questions of documentary filmmaking that have first to be answered or at least clarified by screenwriting. This means also that project holders do not remain isolated and that they, from scratch, be confronted to other people’s points of view: if it is true that writing is a single-minded activity, filmmaking needs joint efforts.