ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Asian Producers Platform Camp | APPCAMP - apply now


18 Apr 2016

Asian Producers Platform Camp | APPCAMP - apply now

None appcamp2015

Applications invited for the next Asian Producers Platform (APP) to join the 3rd APPCAMP in Tokyo 26 June - 3 July 2016. Emerging and established producers of performing arts from Asian countries other than Korea, Japan, Australia and Taiwan are invited to apply.

APP is a new long term public-private partnership initiative driven by The Steering Committee for the Producer(Korea); Performing Arts Alliance (PAA, Taiwan); Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM, Japan); Live Performance Australia (LPA, Australia) and Performing Lines (Australia).

It is designed to create a strongly linked network of Asian producers who can work effectively across the region, sharing and developing artistic works, skills and cultural practices.

Asian Producers Platform Camp (APPCAMP)

The attendance of APPCAMP is by application and the selection criteria will include a commitment to developing inter-cultural producing practice, communication skill and fluent in English. APPCAMP incorporates a mix of emerging and established producers, in recognition that established producers still need support to develop inter-cultural practice.

The Asian Producers’ Platform (APP) offers participants the opportunity to:

1) Develop industry networks in key Asian countries

2) Explore producing as a creative practice

3) Develop an inter-cultural practice

4) Develop as an Arts Leader

◈ Over the course of the intensive 7-day APP CAMP, the participants will spend time:

  • Getting to know each other including developing an appreciation of each other’s language and cultural perspectives around producing;

  • Getting to know the place (the host country’s funding climate, key players in the arts, key venues and the kind of work being produced, or for which there is audience demand); and

  • Extending themselves through exploring their approach to creative producing within an Asian framework.

◈ Eligibility: Individual

  • Emerging and established producers of performing arts from Asian countries other than Korea, Japan, Australia and Taiwan

  • A demonstrated and developed understanding of your own local culture and a developing inter-cultural practice

  • An open mind about mutual learning and exchanging

◈ Selection criteria for applicants:

  • experience in the contemporary performing arts, and/or currently in a producing position within an organisation where more experienced producers can provide support

  • demonstrated evidence of existing or planned inter-cultural producing practice within Asia

  • the strength of your aims and objectives for taking part in the program

◈ Detail of Application

  • Please fill in and return the attached application form Call_for_Producers to:

  • Applications must be completed by 18, April, 2016

  • Applicants will be notified individually via e-mail on 25, April, 2016

  • Official language is English

◈ Entry Fee: USD 700

The fee includes accommodation for six nights, registration, meals, local transport and all program of APP Camp. All travel expenses, and required visa and health insurance are at your own cost.

Please note: the website link only currently shows previous APPCAMPs - you can also follow previous events on Facebook

All the information and application form for the 2016 APPCAMP is on the Call_for_Producers

If you have questions regarding the application procedure please get in touch with the organisers at and tel. +81-3-5724-4660.