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Opportunities > Asia/New Zealand Co-commissioning Fund | 2016 call


02 May 2016

Asia/New Zealand Co-commissioning Fund | 2016 call

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The Asia/New Zealand Co-commissioning Fund offers funding to support the commissioning of New Zealand work to be presented in both New Zealand and Asia. The Creative New Zealand programme is open to applications in all artforms from organisations and citizens in New Zealand, planning projects with commissioning and presenting partners in at least one of the following countries: China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan.

Who can apply

To apply for Creative New Zealand funding, you:

  • must be a New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or organisation (overseas arts organisations or overseas-based New Zealand artists may be funded only if the project directly benefits New Zealand arts)

  • cannot be a Creative New Zealand staff member or a member of the Arts Council.

Benefits and track record

To be eligible for Creative New Zealand funding:

  • Your project or activities must directly benefit New Zealand arts, artists or practitioners.

  • You must have a track record of experience and success — this means you must have:

    • recognition from peers or experts

    • achieved a degree of critical or sales success

    • specialised training or practical experience.

Who can't apply

We are not able to consider proposals from organisations funded by a government agency, tertiary institution or local authority unless the proposed activity goes beyond the core or contracted activity for which they receive funding.

Asia/New Zealand Co-commissioning Fund eligibility criteria

The work

  • The new work concept must be of high artistic merit.

  • The New Zealand artists involved must have a track record for delivering high quality work.

  • Projects can be new works or works which are already in development.

  • The work should be suitable for domestic and international audiences.

  • Projects must demonstrate the potential to develop new and ongoing strategic long-term relationships and/or cultural and artistic exchange.


The project must include:

  • one or more confirmed commissioning partner(s) who is financially investing in the development of the work, and

  • presenting partners in New Zealand and in at least one of the following territories:

    • China

    • Japan

    • Korea

    • Hong Kong

    • Taiwan

    • Singapore.

Funding priorities

Priority is given to projects where the presenting partners are also investing in the development of the new work.

Deadline for applications: 2 May 2016

Among the Fund's previous round recipients was Richard Maloy - Support for the Yellow Structure project with anticipated presentations in Auckland and Art Basel Hong Kong in 2016.

Image: Big Yellow | Richard Maloy