ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Australia-India Council Grants Program


04 Aug 2013

Australia-India Council Grants Program

None AICThe Australia-India Council (AIC) welcomes funding applications from individuals and organisations in Australia for projects which are likely to promote long-term contact and cooperation between Australia and India. AIC grants are intended to provide seed funds for innovative proposals relevant to the mission and goals of the Council.

The Council gives priority to projects in the following areas:

  • The Arts (including literature and film)

  • Education

  • Social initiatives (including public health and sport)

  • Science/Technology/Environment

  • Public Policy Activities (including media links)

The Council will also consider applications for funding support for a limited number of projects and activities in other areas consistent with Council objectives.

All funding applications are made using standard documents and are assessed by a standard appraisal procedure, helping to ensure consistency and equity in Council funding decisions.

While grant amounts will be considered on a proposal basis, major grant funding of AUD 20,000 or more for any single activity will only be provided in exceptional circumstances and where the Council decides the project will become a priority activity of the AIC in that financial year.

Deadline for applications: August 4 2013