ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Australia-India Design Residency | call


30 Jun 2011

Australia-India Design Residency | call


The Australia India Design Platform (AIDP) is seeking applications from Australian designers or craftspersons who would be interested in traveling to India and work on product development concepts at the New Delhi Arts Residency, Lajpat Nagar.

The aims of the programme are:

  • To introduce an Australian designer/craftsperson to opportunities of working with Indian artisans

  • To contribute to a forum and workshop in Delhi planned for 14-18 October

  • To explore models of creative collaboration between Australia and India, craft and design

  • To support a traditional craft through product development for urban markets

  • To develop new paths of regional engagement for Australian designers and craftspersons

Residency includes:

  • Return economy airfare

  • $3,000 expenses

  • Four-week accommodation


  • Australian citizenship

  • Proven experience as a crafts or design practitioner

To apply, please send the following documents to

  • A CV

  • A biography (less than 200 words)

  • An explanation of why you want to work in India (less than 500 words)

  • Up to six images of relevant work

The AIDP is a three-year initiative comprising workshops and events in Australia and India, which focus on the fair practice of crafts in relationship to contemporary art and design practices.

Image courtesy of Sandra Bowkett