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Opportunities > Austria - Festival der Regionen | Open Call for Journalist Residencies


05 May 2019

Austria - Festival der Regionen | Open Call for Journalist Residencies

Logo for Centriphery project

For the first time the Festival der Regionen in rural upper Austria invites national and international journalists to visit the festival and write about it. FdR believes that journalists and critics are central agents of culture and the arts, their work is crucial, from an informational point of view, as well as in the development of knowledge around the arts and in the mediation with different audiences, favoring the sustainability of the practices and of the artistic community.

Who can apply? 
International cultural and social journalists, art writers and critics, bloggers, working for online or offline magazines, newspapers, radio, television or other types of media.

What do we offer? 
• Press trip program for two selected journalist/critic to be scheduled between 28.06. – 07.07.2019 (maximum 3 nights and 4 day’s trip).
• Flights and accommodation in a hotel with breakfast included, located in the region Perg-Strudengau, lunch and dinner at FdR canteen (where all the team, participating artists, curators and guests meet).
• Transfers between the airport of Vienna and the hotel.
• Full access to all FdR venues and activities during the trip.
• Permanent support by the FdR communication team for in site guidance and visits to the festival’s projects and activities, documentation and interviews scheduling.
• FdR press point with daily photo reports, videos and additional documentation on participating artists, projects, activities and festival venues.

What do we ask for? 
• Curiosity and interest in social and cultural topics.
• Availability to travel to Perg-Strudengau, Austria.
• Publication of at least one article with a minimum of 1000 words about the FdR Festival and up to four posts/shorter articles. A contribution to a planned publication is very welcome.

How to apply? 
Please send an e-mail to with your application written in German or English, that must include the following information:
• Short description of the work proposal (one or two paragraphs will do).
• Special needs, if applicable, to do the work, such as interviews with specific artists, sites you need to visit and additional documentation.
• The name, type and URL of the media you work for or collaborate with for this feature.
• Two texts, articles or other works already published.
• Name, phone number, address, and e-mail.• Desirable dates for travel (between 28.06. – 07.07.2019).
• Estimated date for publications of the proposed work or article.

Deadline for applications: MAY 5 th , 2019, 20.00 CET

Further information and applications:

Festival der Regionen is one of the most prestigious festivals for contemporary art and performative culture. Since 1993 it is located in different rural areas of the federal state of Upper Austria. 2019 it is located in the region Perg-Strudengau and focusing on social warmth, covering large-scale participation and co-creation processes.

Festival der Regionen is lead partner of the Creative Europe project Centriphery. The aim of the interdisciplinary project is to discover local myths and narratives in the context of today’s society and to than develop contemporary local and European narratives, which will be presented in different formats. International and local artists together with citizens will work collaboratively in the participating regions. This will create joint artistic, cultural, and social projects in nine European regions.

Further partners are: New Culture Foundation (Bulgaria), Dansehallerne (Denmark), Espoo City Theater (Finland), La Manufacture Collectif Contemporain (France), Rijeka 2020 (Croatia), Cultura Nova Festival (Netherlands), Walk & Talk (Azores, Portugal) and Prin Banat (Romania).