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Opportunities > AVIAMA International Association of Puppet Friendly Cities - mobility grants


14 Jan 2022

AVIAMA International Association of Puppet Friendly Cities - mobility grants

For the 4th consecutive year, AVIAMA, the International Association of Puppet Friendly Cities launches a mobility support grants scheme for projects in the field of puppetry arts.  The International Association of Puppet-Friendly Cities (AVIAMA) gathers together cities and local governments around the world around puppetry and represents a real network of cooperation and exchange.

Their grant programme helps to support projects, with cost of travel generally an important part of the support: the main purpose of the grants is to assist in travel and stays. They are intended for anyone with a project in the field of puppetry: companies or artists who want to take part or attend a festival, researchers who want to do research, amateurs who want to set up a project, etc.

The nature of the projects supported must concern the field of puppetry arts in different aspects (research, learning, participation in an event: conference, symposium, congress or similar, production of a show…). The project must take place primarily in one of the member cities (a letter of support from one of the AVIAMA member cities must be submitted as part of the application). The member cities are: Amiens, Bialystok, Charleville-Mézières, Chuncheon, Yunlin County, Esch-sur-Sûre, Gent, Iida, Liberec, Minami Awaji, Outremont, Pilsen, Segou Region, Saguenay, Segovia, Seville, Tolosa, and Tournai. 

There is no age requirement, but the Jury will be particularly attentive to requests from students or young professionals.

Grants can reach a maximum amount of 2000€. The amount of the AVIAMA grant may not exceed, under any circumstances, 50% of the total cost of the project indicated on the provisional budget.

Deadline: 14 January 2022