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Opportunities > Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition 2013 | open call


30 May 2013

Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition 2013 | open call


In 2013, Awagami Factory in Japan will celebrate its 25th anniversary. It was established to preserve and broaden the awareness for the beauty, strength and sensitivity of washi, Japanese paper. This AIMPE mini print exhibition is an open-call to all artists aims to attract many printmakers from both near and far.

This mini print exhibition has been created in Yoshinogawa, Tokushima, said to be the birthplace of washi. Mini prints are a print expression with a nuance allowing artists to condense techniques and creativity. In this way, the exhibition organizers hope to encourage the participation of many artists and anticipate a rich exchange of creativity & technique through this international exhibition.

The exhibition will be held at The "Hall of Awa Japanese Paper Museum" in Tokushima, Japan in October. There are plans to have a year-long international tour of the exhibition after the initial exhibition has closed.

  • Works created in 2012 or 2013 are eligible

  • *Please note that works that have previously won prizes in other contests or exhibitions are excluded.

  • Submitted works can be any type of fine print but the work must be flat. Inkjet / Digital prints are also acceptable if combined with another printmaking method (and submitted as a mixed-media print).

  • All submitted artworks MUST be printed on any type of Japanese washi paper

10 Prize Winning works shall become the property of AIMPE and wnners awarded with prizes:
1 Grand Prize of 250,000 yen
1 Runner-up Prize of 100,000 yen
5 Excellence Prizes of 50,000 yen each
3 Awagami Factory Prizes of 30,000 yen each
+10 prize-winning artists will be awarded with 30,000 yen worth of Awagami Factory fine art washi papers.

NOTE: there is an application fee to enter works for the exhibition - see website for details.