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Opportunities > Awaji Art Circus 2017 | call for performers


30 Apr 2017

Awaji Art Circus 2017 | call for performers

None Awaji Art Circus, based on Awaji Island near Kobe/Osaka in Japan, has an open call for international artists to perform at this year's festival (September 28 - November 8 2017 - artists to be available for the full period). A performance fee and support for travel is available for selected artists and groups.

Application Deadline: April 30, 2017

  • Location : Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

  • Duration : September 28, 2017 (Thu) ~ November 8, 2017 (Wed)

 Venue : More than ten public locations in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan (parks, squares, restaurants, streets etc.)

*You should arrive in Kansai International Airport before Sep 27.
September 28, 2017 (Thu) ~ September 29, 2017 (Fri) : Orientation, checking locations
September 30, 2017 (Sat) ~ November 5, 2017 (Sun) : Performance period
November 6, 2017 (Mon) ~ November 7, 2017 (Tue) : Discussion, leaving preparation
*In principle, two days off per week

Based in Awaji Island, Japan Awaji Art Circus (AAC) has three distinct missions:

  • To develop art and culture on Awaji island and to create a chance for Japanese people to get to know international art of different genres.

  • One is to bring about increase in population flow and local economic consumption leading to regional vitalization whilst utilizing local resources.

  • The other is to let the world know the appeals of Awaji Island and more broadly Japan. AAC aims to become a new local tourism attraction and attract people from within and outside of Awaji Island.

Here’s where all of you talented international artists come into play! We ask all of you from around the world to:

  • Stay in Awaji Island and entertain visitors with your performance at various locations on the island.

  • Experience and enjoy the appeals of Awaji Island and be the messenger as you spread the word about the island through SNS etc.