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Opportunities > Baltic Dance Platform 2024 for performances and pitches


14 May 2023

Baltic Dance Platform 2024 for performances and pitches

Baltic Dance Platform is calling for applications from contemporary dance artists from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to participate in the third Baltic Dance Platform in Riga (Latvia), 9–11 February 2024.

The programme aims to present the Baltic region’s contemporary dance on the international stage and encourage networking, information-sharing and implementation of joint projects among creative artists and organisations in the area of contemporary dance in the Baltic countries.

There are two categories:

  • Performance: A full performance, either indoor or in a site-specific location, open-air dance performance, also digital dance performance or dance film
  • Pitch Presentation: A 10-minute live or video pitch presentation and speech plus 5-minute Q&A with moderator and experts


  • The call is open to Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian professional artists or companies residing in Baltic countries or outside the region, also to foreign professional artists or companies residing in Baltic countries
  • Individual artists or dance companies/theatres may apply
  • The number of works is unrestricted

What is provided?

Baltic Dance Platform and partners will cover travel costs and accommodation (for those traveling from outside the Riga capital area) for all selected participants. Selected participants will receive payment for the presentation of the performances.

Baltic Dance Platform application guidelines

Deadline: 14 May 2023

Baltic Dance Platform is organised by the Lithuanian Dance Information Centre, the Estonian contemporary dance platform Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, and the Latvian Dance Information Center.

Image: Workshop "Techno Praxis" Raho Aadla