Baltic Sea Region & North West Russia - call for NGO project cooperation applications

Applications are invited from NGOs based in Nordic and Baltic states, Poland and Russia for cooperation projects in the Baltic Sea Region and North West Russia. The Nordic Council of Ministers programme has 2 strands, each with special thematic and focus areas, which include culture. democracy, civil society and human rights.
The Nordic Council of Ministers has earmarked DKK 10 million for projects involving co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region and North-West Russia. All themes will be considered but special pools are also available for strengthening democracy, human rights, civil society and co-operation between NGOs. The new call for applications is now open.
On 1 April 2019, the Nordic Council of Ministers opened a new round of applications for funding from two of its programmes: the programme for Nordic-Russian Co-operation and the programme for NGOs in the Baltic Sea Region. The idea is to encourage initiatives that will build capacity and strengthen networks through activities such as informing each other of experiences and best practices.
The programme for Nordic-Russian co-operation has earmarked DKK 3.5 million for a general open call for funding applications and DKK 3 million for its Civil Society & Human Rights initiative. The NGO programme has allocated DKK 3.5 million to fund projects in the whole of the Baltic Sea Region, including Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Belarus.
Check the guidelines carefully for the two programmes.
Within the NGO programme, only NGOs can apply. Involvement of other actors is encouraged when feasible, but the costs of such cannot be covered by the grant. A project should last one year. The starting date should as a rule be 3-4 months after the deadline of the call. The NGO programme partnership demands minimum:
- One Nordic partner (DK, FI, IS, NO, SE), and
- One Baltic or Polish partner (EE, LV,LT, PL), and
- One Russian or Belarusian partner (RU, BY).
Within the Civil Society & Human Rights Initiative, the partnership must as a minimum consist of:
- Minimum two partners from different Nordic countries,
- Minimum one partner from one of the Northwest Russian regions
Deadline for applications: 20 May 2019 at 23:59:59 CET
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