ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Bangkok | Asian Side of the Doc workshop | call for applicants


11 Sep 2016

Bangkok | Asian Side of the Doc workshop | call for applicants

None ASDSeminaire-bangkok

Asian Side of the Doc Workshop & Master Class Asean with international trainers takes place on Sept 19th – Sept 22nd 2016 at the Alliance Française Bangkok. Call for proposals from ASEAN documentary film producers and directors.


September 11: last day to submit (DEADLINE)

September 19-21: Documentary workshop

September 22: Pitch in front of professional Jury

September 22: Award ceremony

Shortlisted doc projects will be invited to attend Asian Side of the Doc 2016, Bangkok (31 October - 3 November)
" meet, talk and engage with producers, distributors and broadcasters"

Award winner doc project will be invited to pitch at Asian Side of the Doc 2016, Bangkok
"a unique opportunity to find international co-producer & funding"

The aim of the Workshop is to give ASEAN producers and directors:

  • a better understanding of their own project and it’s international potential

  • advice on marketing and pitching their project

  • an overview of who’s who in the international market (in terms of broadcasters, funders, sales agents, and production companies for co-production relationships)

Workshop Contents:

  • Analyze and criticism of the projects ; research of the axes of development*

  • Work on the “Marketing” of the projects: teaser** / logline / title

  • Presentation of the different possibilities offered on the International Market for selected projects; contacts and examples

  • 3 case studies of international coproductions relevant for the selected projects

  • The “Art of Pitching”: at the end of the training, each project’s holder will do a public pitch in front of Thai decision makers (producer, distributor, broadcaster…)

Each tutor will monitor 2 or 3 projects more specifically, but all tutors will work on all projects

  • up to 9 projects will be selected to attend the workshop

  • up to 6 projects will be shortlisted and pitch to ASD16 selection jury

  • 1 project will be selected to Pitch at Asian Side of the Doc 2016

Your submission should consist of:

  • Synopsis in English

  • 1 PDF file with: all the information that you consider useful in order

  • Trailer (5 GB maximum) Formats accepted: MOV, AVI, MP4, MPEG-2, 3GP, AAC, FLV (M4V is not accepted)

  • Company and/or Team profile (500 characters max.)

  • Project early footage (300 dpi)to help the jury assessing your project. For example synopsis, budget, funding plan, commitment letters, treatment, short biographies of the author-director and presentation of the producer.

NOTE: this call is addressed to ASEAN applicants only