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Opportunities > Bangladesh | CRACK International Art Camp 2014


15 Sep 2014

Bangladesh | CRACK International Art Camp 2014

None crack-international-2013

Open call for applications for CRACK International Art Camp 2014 taking place in Kushtia, Bangladesh, a rural location from 25-30 December. CRACK International Art Camp (CIAC) focuses on promoting young artists & thinkers by giving them space & momentum for flourishing their talent on an international basis.

Artist Shawon Akand and artist Delowar Hossain’s meeting had germinated the crucial idea of this platform in 2007. The initiators conceived a melting pot for artists and creative minds coming from diverse fields of praxis to come together and explore each other’s artistic realms. Eventually this platform is now constituted as a non-profit arts trust (CRACK Trust) which is primarily based in Bangladesh and also charting new artistic arenas globally.
At CRACK Trust we believe that Art is a complex process and it could not be separated from life and ways of living. We think that every form of art has inter-relation and it is necessary to develop vigorous inter linkages between every field of culture to create a favorable environment for the progress of artistic practices. In this light, apart from visual artists, CRACK also engages creative people from various disciplines, including but not limited to theatre activists, photographers, film makers, musicians, psychologists, singers, poets, writers, journalists, actors, anthropologist, folklorists, historians, art critics and so on.

Objective & Purpose:
1. CRACK International Art Camp (CIAC) focuses on promoting young artists & thinkers by giving them space & momentum for flourishing their talent on an international basis.
2. CIAC is building a potential cross-cultural relationship keeping away from the conventional corporate culture.
3. Exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts & beliefs will accelerate seamlessly through CIAC.
CIAC facilitates the participants coming from across the world with the philosophical basis to think independently out of basket.
4. Telescoping scope for practicing Art & Culture across the border. Involvement with multi-cultural participants will definitely click fresh, positive and new ideas for anyone involved in this art camp.
5. Sharing and caring for cross-cultural art will aim at the establishment of an eco-friendly platform. A way out from the monotonous urban life, spending some days in the lap of nature and catching up with the beats of pastoral Bengali folks are exactly what every artist might be thirsting for!
6. Brain-refreshing rather than brainstorming – the purpose of the camp is to provide the participants with a sound environment to relax their minds and share their views and insights about art works with each other.

Who can attend?
1. CIAC is open for all art loving, cultural-minded people across the globe. It calls for artists in a broad sense from visual or conventional art media to the multidisciplinary periphery (poets, writers, journalists, singers or musicians, film makers, photographers and so on).
2. Even though there is no age limitation to become a CIAC participant, young artists will be given priority.
3. The CIAC is targeted to adventurous and enthusiastic persons who can accept challenges to comfortable living. People accustomed to luxurious suite and feasts are firmly discouraged to join the CIAC.

How to apply?
The CAMP is absolutely Registration FREE!
The applicants are requested to submit the following materials to the Crack International Art Camp [CIAC]
1. A complete portfolio including brief Biography/CV
2. A short paragraph on ‘The reasons I find CRACK INTERNATIONAL ART CAMP, KUSHTIA interesting’.
3. Copy of Passport (for international participants only)
4. Two Recommendation letters

What will be provided by CRACK?
Food & Accommodation: CRACK will bear the cost of food and accommodation for the participants at Kushtia only. The food and accommodation will be managed from local sources. People interested in local cuisine in a local setting are highly encouraged to join.

Participant’s Responsibility:
Transportation Cost: The participant(s) will have to bear the entire transportation cost regardless of the country of origin. Cost of Art Materials: According to their project parameter the participants will have to bear all the material costs themselves. N.B: The participants need not to come up with a predetermined plan of action. Rather, the idea can be generated on the spot.

Application deadline: 15 September, 2014
Selected applicants will receive a confirmation letter through e-mail by 30 September, 2013.

Estimated Schedule:
• Reporting at Dhaka: 23 Dec, 2014
• Reporting at Kushtia: 24 Dec, 2014
• Camp will be held from 25 December to 30 December 2014
• Open day: 30 December 2013