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Opportunities > Belluard Festival - 2020 call


09 Dec 2019

Belluard Festival - 2020 call

CALL 2020 - for Belluard Festival 2020 on the theme: LOOKING FOR MONSTERS. The Belluard Festival favors the rage of creation, the need for reflection, the demand for research and the breath of poetry.

Who are the monsters? Who are your monsters? What roles do they play in your life, in your subconscious, in your nights? Are these terrifying beings causing you nightmares and preventing you from sleeping? Or are they good and loyal friends, road companions, always ready for nocturnal talk?

Beyond the dichotomy of the wicked and the kind, the monster, in its etymology and function, shows and warns. As such, the monster functions as an oracle making us attentive to what time produces as collective fears and fantasies.

Often embodying the substance of anguish and the possibility of deviance, we see in the monster a powerful subversive and emancipatory lever. It is the possibility to escape "normality", to contradict and twist it by being multiple, hybrid, and in constant mutation. The monster is an ode to metamorphosis. The monster is the need to give shape to the imaginary, to be free, to be non-consensual and where everything is possible all the time.

Good evening Dr. Jekyll, ah no sorry, Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, werewolf, Rababou, Dracula, dragon, giant octopus, gorgon, harpy, gargoyle, sea monster and other becoming mutants, welcome to Fribourg, the Belluard Festival is waiting for you and needs your screams for its 2020 edition.


The CALL is set up in partnership between the Belluard Festival and the Migros Culture Percentage. It is aimed at artists / professional monsters from the international community and allows them to propose a new creation for the 2020 edition of the Festival.
The projects are selected by an international jury and will receive a contribution between CHF 2'000.- and CHF 12'000.- for production.

Deadline: December 9th, 2019