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Opportunities > Beppu | international artist residency | open call


23 Nov 2012

Beppu | international artist residency | open call


A call for international artists in the music, performing art and visual art fields on the theme: A COURSE THROUGHOUT BEPPU CITY to create a poetic and artistic discourse through this happening creative city of southern Japan and its unique environment.

The NPO BEPPU PROJECT is opening an International Artist in Residence program for artists in the music field and the contemporary art field (visual arts and performing arts). We are offering artists a place in Beppu city (Kyushu island in the South of Japan) for artistic stimulus and production. Artists will be invited to realize a new art project, or a workshop
with Beppu citizens, or talk series, from the theme: A COURSE THROUGHOUT BEPPU CITY. The theme we choose refers to BEPPU PROJECT's aims and to the characteristic of Beppu city:

A COURSE... The water, the flux, the powerful energy coming from everywhere underground the city is strongly present in Beppu (Beppu is very famous for its numerous hot-springs)

The theme could be translated into Japanese as "別府そぞろあるき" - Beppu sozoroaruki. The idea of this residency is to create a poetic and artistic course throughout the city and its environment that will emerge from the imagination of artists who will discover the place with a fresh new look.

Deadline for application is November 23rd.

The residency will take place from January 21st to March 24th 2013 (minimum 31 days)

Read more about the residency on Beppu Project where you can find images of Beppu and the online application form

The application call gives full details of the grant offered for travel, production costs, per diem and accommodation

Read more about Beppu's contemporary art festival Mixed Bathing World