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Opportunities > Berlin | Rebuilding to Last Hackathon for Participatory Architecture Interventions


30 Oct 2022

Berlin | Rebuilding to Last Hackathon for Participatory Architecture Interventions

The Rebuilding to Last project (RTL), led by Trans Europe Halles (TEH), is calling for applications from European grass-roots cultural and creative organisations based in (or willing to be based in) repurposed former industrial buildings, spaces or areas, who are looking to transform their organisations for a more sustainable future. 

The RTL project aims to research how cultural spaces are implementing sustainable solutions in their buildings and practices.

Between 19 and 20 January 2023 the RTL partners will be hosting a Hackathon in Berlin, where up to 15 cultural organisations will compete. Through the Hackathon event three projects will be selected to receive funding, training and mentorship. The funding will cover three different scales of projects: 1 small, 1 medium and 1 large scale.

The Participatory Architecture Interventions 

The three awarded projects will run between February 2023 and May 2024. The total available seed-funding is 60.000 EUR, to be divided among the three projects, depending on their scale. The grants are not intended to cover the whole budget of the local projects, so applicants will have to consider their projects carefully and describe how they envisage managing their budget in their application.

Each of the three centres awarded funding, will receive mentorship from an architectural team according to a plan agreed with the team. They will also be able to build their capacity and network by:

  • Receiving 1x 1 day training by Eurecat
  • Hosting 2x 3–5day workshops by Manifatture Knos and other RTL partners
  • Travelling to visit the other 2 participatory architecture interventions 
  • Travelling to the RTL final event in Helsinki in May 2024 (TBD) 

The awarded projects will also be part of an ongoing action research exercise led by the Faculty of Architecture of the Université de Liège. 

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 30 October 2022

The Rebuilding to Last Hackathon is part of the Rebuilding to Last project (RTL), led by Trans Europe Halles (TEH) in partnership with twelve organisations, and co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme.