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Opportunities > Berlin | Theatertreffen International Forum - open call


15 Dec 2016

Berlin | Theatertreffen International Forum - open call

None internationalforum








The International Forum is a two-week scholarship programme organised in Berlin by the Berliner Festspiele's Theatertreffen (German language theatre festival) with an international call for applications. It is aimed at professional theatre makers up to the age of 35 years, whose artistic focus lies in the area of drama, and with an adequate working knowledge of German.

Conditions - Applicants should:

  • be no older than 35 years of age

  • have several years of independent professional experience

  • work in the theatre continually in a professional and creative capacity

  • be available to participate for the entire period (5 to 21 May 2017)

  • have an adequate working knowledge of German (at least B2, a certificate is necessary);

Exceptions for non-German-speaking participants are possible exclusively at the suggestion of a Goethe-Institut.

The Forum sees itself as a platform for comprehensive theoretical and practical exchange. The International Forum 2017 will take place from 5 to 21 of May. The programme consists of workshops with artists invited to the Theatertreffen, the attendance of performances of Theatertreffen and Stückemarkt as well as the attendance at the Theatertreffen-Camp, the festival’s discursive platform. Participants will receive a grant.

This call is aimed at theatre makers up to the age of 35 from the fields of directing, acting, design, dramaturgy, writing, music, video, performance, choreography and other artistic disciplines.

The International Forum is a two-week scholarship programme organised by the Berliner Festspiele’s Theatertreffen and sponsors theatre makers from all parts of the world. As a field for creative experimentation and a space for utopian thought, it provides performative and discursive exchange in an international context and endeavours to open hybrid spaces in which the boundaries between performing arts, visual arts and science become fluid. Engaging in forms of international cooperation is a defining element of this congregation of fellows.

The programme includes the presentation of the invited theatre makers and their aesthetic practice in lectures, workshops held by renowned artists, experts and scholars, attendance at performances and artists’ talks of Theatertreffen and Stückemarkt, open space events and discussions on relevant topics of contemporary art as well as excursions into the varied cultural landscape of Berlin.

We are particularly interested in artists who feel committed to the theatre as a socially engaged art form and whose creative work sets out to find new aesthetic forms of expression, strategies of negotiation and superordinate narratives which will facilitate new ways for the theatre to encounter actual social reality. This Open Call is aimed equally at artists and actors from established institutions and artists and performers who work in independent contexts.

Detailed information about the grant programme and applications for the International Forums 2017 can be found here:
International Forum: Open Call 2017 [PDF, 154 KB]

We kindly ask applicants from Germany and Austria to fill out the registration form.

Deadline for applications: 15 December 2016